

Curriculum is the planned learning taking place in a school. It deals with knowledge and skills and is designed to challenge students at their point of learning. Our curriculum is informed by National and State policy and aligns teaching and learning, assessment and reporting. We follow and report against the Victorian curriculum.

It develops a learner profile where attitudes, knowledge, skills and action develop local, national and global understandings of the world.

Three tiers of planning exist at Fairhills Primary School:

Whole School Plan
The strategic overview

Year level Plans
Curriculum organisation scope and sequence and teaching and learning for each year level

Classroom Plans
Detailed descriptions and sequences of teaching learning assessment and personalised learning. Staff maximise Information and Communication technology (ICT) in everyday learning sequences.


  • develop a positive sense of self
  • are resilient
  • work in a variety of ways independently and with others
  • develop responsible citizenship
  • gain, organise and apply knowledge to make meaning
  • communicate understandings
  • apply learning to problem solve and carry out tasks

Specialist Programs

Fairhills Primary School offers Physical Education, The Arts- Performing and Visual, Digital Technology, Library, Mandarin and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). These specialist programs enrich and broaden the scope of learning for our students.

Physical Education

The Physical Education program at Fairhills PS is focused on building students’ core fitness, gross and fine motor skills and games skills through an engaging combination of direct instruction and games and activities. All grades receive a 1 hour session with our dedicated Physical Education Specialist per week.

Supplementing the standard Physical Education program are additional sports programs such as Bike Ed, Athletics, Cross Country Running, Swimming and Hoop Time Basketball.

We also hold an annual Twilight Sports activities evening in Term 1, which is organised by our Student Leaders.

The Arts / Visual and Performing Arts

All students at Fairhills PS participate in timetabled sessions of The Arts (Visual Art or Music) with our specialist Teacher. During lessons, students are exposed to a variety of artistic techniques and processes aimed at improving the skills and knowledge involved with The Arts. Students are positively engaged to make, respond to and enjoy Music. Every child is an artist.


The Language Other Than English (LOTE) taught at Fairhills Primary School is Mandarin. Students in Grade 2 through to Grade 6 participate in weekly lessons. The core focus is to expose the students to learning and communicating in Mandarin to develop intercultural knowledge and awareness.


Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) at Fairhills Primary School focuses on the bigger picture of problem-solving skills, innovation, creativity and critical thinking. STEM lessons are integrated into the classroom, alongside a 1-hour weekly lesson with a specialist teacher. These lessons produce students who are able to adapt to ever evolving and changing technologies in a variety of fields. 

Our Private Instrumental Program

Guitar, Piano & Drums Music Tuition

NoiseCraft is very excited to be providing Guitar, Piano and Drums tuition to Fairhills Primary School

NoiseCraft have been providing music tuition to primary schools in your local area for 15 years. We pride ourselves in delivering an exciting, fun program that balances challenge with success and embrace a strong communication link between student, parent, teacher and school.

With group lessons of only 2 children per class or private lessons, our instrumental music programs provide each child with an engaging experience based on an individualised learning plan. This includes learning to read music and recognising musical patterns as well as cooperative musicianship. Importantly children will learn music that is relevant to them, at a developmentally appropriate level in a fun, supportive environment balancing challenge and success.

To enrol

phone 9737 1170
Email noisecraftstudio@gmail.com


Fairhills Primary School students enjoy other activities on offer:

Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)

Perceptual Motor Development refers to a child’s ability to receive, interpret and respond successfully to sensory information. The program is designed to develop physical skills and fitness through activities that require the use of cognitive, physical, social and communication skills. PMP runs for one hour per week over several weeks and involves small student groups working their way around a circuit of pre-determined activities. Each activity utilises specialised equipment and is supervised by a teacher and parent helpers. All Foundation(prep) students and some Year 1 students participate in PMP.

Swimming Program

Swimming is a fundamental part of our Physical Education program. All students from Foundation(prep) to Grade 6 are offered the opportunity to participate in two weeks of intensive swimming classes at Genesis Swim School. Classes are 45mins long and students walk to the swim school accompanied by teachers and parent helpers. Classes are run by accredited swimming instructors and all students are taught according to their individual skill levels. The focus of our swimming program is on water familiarisation, swimming technique and water safety. From Grade 3, students are invited to represent Fairhills Primary School in District Swimming Carnivals.

School Camps

School Camp is fun and often the first experience that students have of staying away from home/family. Between years 3-6 students are able to participate in two city and two adventure camps. This provides new learning opportunities in a safe environment outside the school setting. We are looking to expand our camping program to include our Junior School students and provide a camping experience to prepare them for Grade 3 camp. This may involve pyjamas, BBQ, Movie and a sleep over for our Grades 2s at school. Stay tuned!

School Performance

Fairhills Primary School proudly presents a performance every year. This alternates between circus and musical drama. All students, from Foundation(prep) to Year 6, are involved in the preparation, rehearsals and presentations. Students experience new learning opportunities which include dancing, singing, circus and stage skills. They practise memorising information by using clear communication skills, team work and commitment.

Music Lessons

Fairhills Primary School believes that Music provides excellent skills such as memory, attention to detail, listening skills and commitment. We offer keyboard, guitar and singing through private qualified tutors

Extra Curricular

We also offer the following additional activities:

  • Lego Club
  • Library Open
  • Craft Club
  • Year 6 Leader activities
  • Hooptime
  • Garden Club
  • Speed stacking