
Junior School Council

Junior School Council offers students from across the school the opportunity to take part in fundraising as well as offering the student body a representative voice.

Wellbeing Program

Our school community is supported by a Wellbeing Program. When you complete a tour of the school, you will find out about all the wonderful, different Wellbeing Strategies we consistently implement across the school. The Student Wellbeing Coordinator is here to support and guide all students and families in the school. The Wellbeing Officer is another person who is keen and ready to support your child. They are normally available on Mondays and Wednesdays. They also operate Brekky Club in the school hall every Monday and Wednesday from 8:30am – 8:50am. Everyone at Fairhills Primary School is welcome to come along and enjoy a delicious breakfast.

Our Student Wellbeing Committee is also another unique and important part of the school. Key staff meet on a very regular basis to sensitively discuss the students and families in our care. The committee discusses topics such as a child’s new allergy diagnosis, a friendship challenge or maybe a family situation has changed. Our goal is to ensure appropriate actions are planned and enacted as we continue our important focus of supporting student wellbeing.

Parents & Friends Association

The Fairhills Parents & Friends Association (PFA) is made up of volunteer parents and friends who are dedicated to raising money towards improving the facilities and resources available to our teachers and students. It also co-ordinates social activities that bring our school community together.

The core PFA committee is elected at the start of each year and an annual membership fee of 50c gives voting rights to all members.

All Fairhills community members are welcome to attend meetings which are held once a month on Tuesdays either at 9.15am or 7pm. Meeting dates and updates about fundraising and social activities are regularly communicated.

Fundraisers are varied and spread out each term. Families are invited to participate. Participation is optional for all families. Proposed fundraisers are tabled at the first School Council meeting every year.

Social activities co-ordinated by our PFA include School Discos, Welcome Morning Tea for new families and Sausage Sizzles at our Working Bees.

Introducing the 2024 Committee

Office Bearers

Tamara Simari

Vice President

Kylie McKenzie

Kerrie Neilson

Why not join the Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA)?

Want to participate in our school community? Our students love to see their family and friends around the school helping out with fundraising or social events. Being part of the PFA is a great way to meet other families and make new friends within our community. All parents and friends are welcome to come along to our meetings for a cuppa, a catch up and to find out more about what we’re up to. If you’d like to become a member, you can do so at any time.

Can’t join but still want to help?

With our very busy lives, it’s not always possible to help out by attending meetings, but there are still many ways that parents and friends can help. Check out our section on the back page of the school newsletter. You can also track our fundraising efforts.

You may choose to help by:

  • Donating items for Stalls
  • Purchasing fundraising items
  • Helping out at fundraising or social events
  • Helping out with ideas/feedback

    What have we purchased in the past few years with funds raised?

    • Blinds for the refurbished buildings
    • A new PA system for the hall
    • A shade sail for the new playground
    • An interactive Whiteboard
    • Digital cameras for each classroom
    • New musical equipment for the music room
    • New playground in the 3/4 area

    Facility Hire

    Fairhills Primary School has the following facilities available for hire under the Hire of Facilities policy:

    • School Hall

    Hiring of our facilities is subject to School Council approval, appropriate insurance and signing of a contract outlining the terms negotiated.

    Please note that all areas of the school buildings and grounds are both alcohol and smoke free.

    Applications to hire school facilities must be sent in writing by post or email to the school, addressed to our Principal.

    Business Donations & Sponsorship

    Fairhills Primary School welcomes partnerships with our local business community through sponsorships of, or donations to, programs and events such as:

    • Mathletics
    • Reading programs
    • Information Communication Technology
    • Sports programs
    • School Production, etc.

    As a school of only 152 students, support from our local business community is vital to ensure the quality of our learning facilities and programs. Sponsors and donors will be recognised through the naming of programs and/or mention in our school newsletter, and your business logo will be added to our newsletter and website unless otherwise requested.

    A recent grant came from the Knox Council who provided funding to help us buy a Heart Defibrillator. We say a BIG thank you to the Knox Council for their support. 

    To register interest in sponsoring or donating to our school, please contact our Principal, Mrs Moi Beaurain.

    Advertise in our School Newsletter

    Local businesses are welcome to advertise in our school newsletter which is published every fortnight for a minimal fee:

    Size Per Month Per Term Per Year
    (2 Inserts) (6 Inserts) (24 Inserts)
    7cm x 9cm $25 $50 $150
    14cm x 9cm $50 $100 $300

    Not-for-Profit community groups are welcome to supply their information for a text listing in our Community News section of the Newsletter.